Women and Globalization: Online Course

Women and Globalization: Online Course

True Roots co-founder Summer Lewis continues her contribution to the academic study of women’s role in international development as the instructor of a pioneering course on “Women and Globalization.”

The course explores how women in the Global North and Global South are involved, impacted, divided and connected by globalization, and is geared towards those interested in exploring the intersection of transnational politics, trade, and development through a gender lens.

Students delve into the phenomenon of globalization and development in detail by studying one of contemporary development’s most important commodities. A case study on women in the coffee value chain will be applied and analyzed during the course, following the story of a cup of coffee from seed to mug, intertwined with stories of the women and families that make the production to consumption possible.

Summer created the course at the request of the department of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies at the University of Kansas, based on her 10+ years of work as an international development practitioner with significant experience in coffee, trade and gender.

The study of contemporary economic and political globalization allows us to examine the unprecedented way in which activities and relations across borders have been transformed, and geographic divides and possibilities have been leveled. The course asks some important questions exploring these changes in the globalized arena, including whether the promises of increased integration, equality, and development have been delivered for all involved.

Students step into the role of a development practitioner and professional, completing thought-provoking readings, discussion boards, quizzes, and practical assignments reflecting “real world” research and reporting activities.

This course is ideal for motivated students dedicated to engaging with course materials, assignments, peers, and the instructor. The course is offered via Kansas State University Global Campus.